Deliver Ongoing Feedback and Encouragement to Help Emerging Leaders Develop Their Own Skillsets

Dimension constructs in the order they are described in the book:
Deliberate Mindset, Providing Accurate Feedback, Instilling Ownership, Asking Thoughtful
Questions, and Discovering Learning Opportunities Unconditionally

DISCOVERING (2.94 – 3.59)

As a leader, you will greatly benefit from improving your coaching skills. Attaining greater skills in the areas of asking more thoughtful questions, providing behavioral-based feedback, and instilling ownership will accelerate your ability to develop those you lead. Effective coaching is a deliberate process that should not be rushed or dictated by impulsive thoughts. Seek to find learning opportunities regardless of the outcome of a situation and find effective ways to help others connect the dots through the questions you ask. Consider being mentored by a great coach you’ve observed in your life. Watching and learning from great coaches will provide you with some new techniques and approaches to bolster your own coaching ability.

DEVELOPING (3.60 – 4.00)

In your leadership practice there are likely times you display effective coaching behaviors and at other times miss opportunities to fully develop others. Thoroughly reflect on each of The Five Guides of Coaching outlined within this dimension to determine which areas are naturally your strengths and development areas related to coaching. Consider asking for candid feedback from your team on the areas they still would like additional support. Don’t take their feedback personally, instead use it to inform your own opportunities to get better as a coach. Small changes and tweaks should be your focus to help round out the current strengths you already display as a coach.

DEMONSTRATING (4.01 – 5.00)

You are currently demonstrating some of the most challenging elements of effective coaching. Through your deliberate mindset, you ask thoughtful questions and deliver behavioral-based feedback regularly. You likely are able to instill ownership and discover new learning opportunities regardless of the situation for your coachees. Given how important coaching is to leadership, use your knowledge and experience to help develop the next generation of great coaches. Continue to Coach Their Cast and appreciate all the unique ways your coachees continue to grow as you guide them through their cast.