To better understand a leader’s strengths and development areas related to the C.A.T.C.H. & Release® Model, Michael has designed and piloted the C.A.T.C.H. & Release® Leadership Index (CARLI).

Click Here To Take The CARLI


The CARLI provides leaders with valuable insights related to the six dimensions of the C.A.T.C.H. & Release® Model. A total of 120 items are used to assess 34 leadership constructs culminating in six dimensions of the model. All items used in the CARLI have been reviewed and vetted by subject matter experts. Initial analysis of the instrument has yielded highly reliable results.

Upon completing the assessment, an individual can click the buttons below to map their mean score to each dimension of the model. Please note that initial percentile cutoffs were derived from a pilot launched to 508 leaders (avg. 11.8 years formerly serving in a leadership role). As additional data is collected, percentile scores will be updated. Individual scores that fall within the 1st—30th percentile are defined as Discovering, the 31st—69th percentile as Developing, and the 70th-100th percentile as Demonstrating. If your score is close to a cutoff, it may be beneficial to read the recommendation within and just outside of your score. 

For more information related to the CARLI, please email

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*Please note that the CARLI was created solely to be used as a tool to guide development. This instrument was not designed to aid in the hiring / firing of employees or influence merit-based decisions.